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Sekaino Ink
Sekaino Ink
Sekaino Ink


Horisekai(彫世界), also known as Horishi(彫師) of the studio Sekaino Ink, is an artisan/craftsman who specializes in the genre of traditional Irezumi(more specifically; Wabori and/or Horimono). Despite the traditional expression, Horisekai uses a modern machine rather than the Tebori(手彫り) tool.

Beginning his five-year-long journey in 2010, totaling over 400 hours, Horisekai has earned his fully complete full body suit known as 'Munewari Soushinbori(胸割り総身彫り)' in both Japan and South Korea, where he took on a journey to become the artisan that he is today.

Adapting the traditional culture based on his own experience, Horisekai returned to Vancouver, BC after travelling across Europe to pioneer and launch the very first traditional Wabori(和彫り)/Horimono(彫物) private studio, known as Sekaino Ink.


Horisekai has completed thousands of hours of work with clients from all over North America, and currently, Horisekai is focusing on large-scale traditional Wabori, expressed in his understated, bold, and striking style.

Greeting [2016 - Present]

Sekaino Ink
Sekaino Ink
Sekaino Ink

Dear All,​

Thank you for your kind visit.


Pioneered in a private setting in Downtown Vancouver, BC, Canada, we are a 'by appointment only' tattoo studio specializing in the genre of traditional Irezumi(more specifically; traditional Wabori(和彫り) and/or Horimono(彫物)).

Taking pride in our work, the main focus has always been building trusted relationships with our clients.

This includes, as we invite you for prescreening session prior to making a mutual agreement, we kindly encourage you to make such an important decision based on full confidence. Any questions you may have, please don't hesitate to contact through an inquiry and ask, as we are happy to answer to the best of our knowledge.

Additionally, not only do we follow up and keep in touch with our clients after completion of all works, but we also offer a complimentary touch-up session (if ever required) to ensure the quality is highly maintained.

The equipment used at our studio is made in Western Europe, which is one of the highest standards on the current market today, and we also pay extra attention to hygiene and all other aftercare.​

Thank you wholeheartedly.

Warmest Regards,

Sekaino Ink
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